Breastfeeding as a Modern Mom
“How I Found a Way to Breastfeed, Work Full-Time, and Still Have Time for Myself—Without Losing My Mind” Can I be honest with you? When I first started breastfeeding, I thought, “How hard can it be? It’s natural, right?” Oh, sweet, naive me. Fast forward a few sleepless nights, a couple of embarrassing pumping incidents […]
99 Unique Baby Names You Haven’t Heard Before

Choosing a name for your baby is a momentous occasion, filled with excitement, anticipation, and perhaps a little bit of anxiety. While some parents opt for names steeped in tradition and popularity, others seek out names that are unique, uncommon, and reflective of their individuality and creativity. Unique baby names can offer a sense of […]
The Benefits of Early Reading for Children

Imagine a world where children not only excel academically but also develop into empathetic, creative, and mentally resilient individuals. Early reading can be the key to unlocking this world. As a seasoned educator and researcher in childhood literacy, I invite you to explore the profound benefits of early reading and discover how you can foster […]
Waldorf vs Montessori Education Explained
In our quest to provide the best educational exposure for our children, two philosophies often emerge at the forefront of discussion – Waldorf and Montessori. Though they may appear similar in their departure from traditional education, they are distinct in their approach to teaching and learning. Waldorf education is a developmental approach that integrates intellectual, […]
Montessori Parenting: Embracing a Unique Approach
Parenting, as we all know, is not an easy task. Each child comes with their unique personality, interests, and challenges. And then there’s that constant quest for the ‘ideal’ parenting style – if such a thing even exists! Enter Montessori parenting, a method that seeks to foster independence in children from an early age and […]
100th Day of School: A Hundred Ways to Celebrate and Learn
As the academic calendar unfolds, a palpable sense of anticipation permeates the classrooms, shared by both educators and their pupils. They collectively count down to a day of particular significance, a day that stands as a beacon in the educational journey: the 100th day of school. This day is not merely a numerical milestone, but […]
Growing Green: The Ultimate Guide to Eco-Friendly Parenting
It is time that we, as parents, take responsibility for the future of our planet by making conscious choices that prioritize sustainability over convenience. The current state of our environment is dire and if we do not take swift action, we will leave a world that is barely inhabitable for our children and grandchildren. As […]
Can kids have depression? What you need to know
Depression can affect anyone at any age. While it is most commonly diagnosed in adults, children can also experience depression. Depression can look different in kids than it does in adults and can be harder to diagnose. Some of the signs that your child may be experiencing depression include changes in behavior, problems at school, […]
From Orbeez Guns And Gel Blasters: What You Should Know
If you’re like most parents, you probably want to know what the Orbeez gun and gel blaster craze is all about. These toys have taken over the internet in recent months, and for good reason! They’re a lot of fun. But before you go out and buy one for your child, there are a few […]
Social Media For Kids: The Good, The Bad And The Ugly
We all know that social media are a big part of our lives. We use them to stay connected with friends and family, to get news and information, to be entertained – the list goes on and on. But what about our kids? Should they be using social media? What are the benefits? And what […]