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  • Cómo animar a tus hijos a hacer más ejercicio

Cómo animar a tus hijos a hacer más ejercicio

cómo animar a sus hijos a hacer ejercicio más consejos prácticos y 45 actividades estupendas para toda la familia

Como padre, hay muchas cosas que quiero para mis hijos. Una de ellas es que estén sanos y activos.

En el mundo actual, puede ser difícil hacerlo con todos los juegos de ordenador y programas de televisión que los niños ven habitualmente. Pero hay formas de hacer que el ejercicio sea más divertido.

¿Recuerda cuando era niño y jugaba al aire libre durante horas? ¿Cuándo fue la última vez que recuerda a su hijo haciendo esto? Hoy en día, muchos niños pasan más tiempo frente a la televisión o la pantalla del ordenador que al aire libre. Esto hace que sea más difícil para usted, como padre, conseguir que sean activos.

Why it's important for children to get exercise

Todos queremos que nuestros hijos estén sanos, pero ¿sabías que también es importante que hagan ejercicio? No sólo tendrán más energía a lo largo del día, sino que hacer ejercicio también ayudará a su crecimiento. A medida que tu hijo crece, el ejercicio es cada vez más importante.

Exercise is great for children because it helps to control their weight as well as strengthen their hearts. But this isn't everything. Exercise also helps the brain work better, clearing up those cobwebs and getting rid of mental fogginess. It also relieves stress so they can have a better attitude about being an adult.

Hay muchas maneras de hacer que tus hijos estén activos. Puedes llevarlos a pasear o a ir al parque. También hay muchos deportes y actividades que son excelentes para los niños, como el baloncesto, el fútbol y la natación.

Es importante encontrar algo que su hijo disfrute haciendo. Así será más probable que lo siga haciendo. También puede intentar implicarse en la actividad de su hijo. Esto ayudará a crear un vínculo familiar al tiempo que les ayuda a mantenerse sanos.

Formas de animar a tus hijos a hacer más ejercicio

To find something your child may like, try asking them for their input. If you don't know what they are into then this is a great way to figure it out. They might be interested in rock climbing or gymnastics, or even skateboarding. These are all fun activities that are good for them as well.

Don’t be afraid to try new things. You never know what your child will like until you take them there. If they aren't into one thing, then that's okay. This is just a way for you to explore their interests as well as give them something fun to do with you as a parent.

Tener una meta también es importante para tus hijos. Puede ser algo tan sencillo como un póster en su pared o un evento próximo. Sea como sea, el objetivo debe ser algo que ellos quieran conseguir.

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Try your best not to push them into doing anything that they don't enjoy. If they aren't enjoying themselves then there is no point in going out and spending the money. This will just get them to resent the activity and not want to do it again.

También puedes trabajar para crear una casa más saludable. Hay cosas que puedes hacer en tu casa para facilitar que tu familia haga ejercicio, como apagar la televisión y trasladar el ordenador a una habitación adicional. Todas estas son formas de animar a tus hijos a tener un estilo de vida más saludable.

Consejos para los padres sobre cómo hacer que el ejercicio sea más divertido para sus hijos

Hay muchas maneras de crear un entorno más saludable para tus hijos. Sólo tienes que saber cuáles son sus intereses y ser capaz de averiguar lo que les gusta hacer. Intenta no presionarlos demasiado, pero hazles saber que el ejercicio es importante para que puedan vivir más tiempo.

Some ideas include taking the kids on hikes or play a fun sport outside with them. If you don't know about a sport, then ask around from other parents to get some ideas on what they do. This is a great way for your children to have fun while being active at the same time.

Recuerde que no está solo en este viaje para conseguir que sus hijos se involucren más en los deportes y juegos. Hay otros padres que quieren lo mismo que tú. Preguntando por ahí puedes obtener algunas ideas divertidas sobre lo que tus hijos disfrutarían haciendo y que además sería estupendo para ellos.

Formas positivas de animar a tus hijos a hacer más ejercicio

Exercise is something that many kids don't like, but it doesn't mean that they don't need it. It is important to make sure your kids are getting the exercise they need and deserve. There are many ways to do this, such as playing outside or taking them on family walks.

There are also other options if those don't sound like something your children would enjoy doing. You can go out and try new sports or activities. Just make sure to let them know that this is something you can do together and will be a fun experience for both of you.

It's also important to eat healthy with your children, so they can get the proper vitamins and nutrients. Physical activity also boosts brainpower, which helps your child do better in school as well as giving them a longer life.

If you want your children to be more active, then you have to show them that it's important. Make sure they are eating healthy and sleeping regularly throughout the week. This will help keep their energy up so they can get through their day easier.

These are just a few ideas on how you can get your children more involved in their daily lives. You don't have to push them too hard so they hate going out and being active. This is a good way for your family to bond with one another while also doing something important.

Sin embargo, ten cuidado con lo que dices con los niños, porque ellos captarán cualquier negatividad en tu voz cuando estés haciendo ejercicio con ellos. Esto hará que se sientan mal consigo mismos, que es lo contrario de lo que quieres conseguir.

Los beneficios de que su hijo participe en deportes y actividades

La participación de los niños en deportes y actividades a una edad temprana tiene numerosos beneficios. Uno de esos beneficios es el hecho de que ayuda a prevenir enfermedades a medida que crecen.

This also boosts brainpower for kids, so they can have a higher IQ than kids who don't participate in any physical games or activities. This will help them excel in school and have a better life as long as they keep up with it.

Otro beneficio es mantenerlos mentalmente en forma para que sepan manejar sus emociones. Si tu hijo sabe cómo manejar su ira o su tristeza, esto le ayudará a evitar que descargue sus problemas en los demás.

All of these benefits are amazing for you and your children. It helps them become more active in their daily lives, which will also help them stay healthy throughout the years. If you want your children to grow up healthy, then it's important that you let them know about all of the benefits that come from physical games and activities at a young age.

Cómo elegir el deporte o la actividad adecuada para su hijo

If you don't know what sport or activity would be best for your child, then it's best to ask some other parents. Find out what activities they may enjoy and go from there.

Just make sure that the activity is something that won't hurt them. If your child doesn't like getting dirty, then football might not be a good option. Maybe they like to be outside all of the time, so maybe hiking would be a good option for them.

You want to find something that your kid enjoys doing and is safe for them at the same time. It's also good to keep in mind that there are many options out there, so you really can't go wrong with whatever you choose to do with them.

Whatever you do, don't push your kids too hard so they hate everything about it. Remember that this is something new for them and they may not want to participate in it with you. Just go at their pace so they can get accustomed to whatever game or activity you choose.

Lo más importante es que hagáis algo juntos como familia. Hacer que tus hijos participen en deportes y actividades puede acercaros más que nunca. Es una forma estupenda de que toda la familia establezca vínculos entre sí y, al mismo tiempo, experimente algo divertido y emocionante.

Aquí tienes algunas actividades deportivas que merece la pena probar y que a otros niños les encantan:

  1. Juegos de pelota: Fútbol - Fútbol americano - Béisbol, etc. These are the classic sports that everyone is aware of. Sure, these activities don't need any creativity to find, but they're also the activities that the whole country loves. So it's likely that your child, no matter which age, will love too.
  2. Montar a caballo: This is a great way to get the kids outside and at the same time teach them how to work with animals. It's also good for their cardiovascular health so they can be physically fit as well.
  3. Actividades en la naturaleza: Suelen ser actividades tranquilas, las que prefieren algunos niños. Pueden disfrutar de algo como la escalada o la espeleología.
  4. Ciclismo: Kids can go cycling with their families to stay healthy and enjoy the outdoors at the same time. It's a quick way for the family to bond, especially if it is an activity everyone can participate in. Cycling doesn't mean riding a bike around the neighborhood without a destination. There are many different variations, like mountain biking, riding a road bike at high speeds or graveling through the woods or trails. Bonus tip: Let your child use his/her bike to get you the groceries that you forgot to buy or to pick up the pizza you ordered for dinner. That gets your child an extra exercise without planning it.
  5. Deportes de raqueta: This may seem like an odd choice, but kids love racket sports like tennis or squash. They're high intensity sports that require a lot of hand eye coordination, which is something most kids have.
  6. Deportes para perros: This activity may cost a little extra money, but it's so worth it in the long run. Getting a dog and going on a walk is a great way for both you and your child to bond with one another while also engaging in some extra physical activity.

What to do if your child doesn't want to participate in an activity you've chosen for them

If you decide to take your child to a sports activity or game, but they don't seem interested in the activities, then it's best for you to back off. Only go if they show an interest and they're willing to participate.

The worst thing you can do is force your kid into doing something that he/she doesn't really want to do.

If you want to get your child interested in an activity, but they're not very receptive of it, then there are some other methods that can help: 

Always try to involve them during the planning stages of the game or activity. Talk about what you should expect and whether or not they'd like it. It's even better if they can watch someone else play or participate in it.

Don't try to pressure them into doing something that he/she doesn't like, but rather find activities that you think you're both able to do together. Don't mention the other activity again until you're sure your child wants to try it out. If they still don't want to, then it's best to move on and accept that they're not interested in that activity.

As a last resort, if your child still doesn't want to participate in the activity, make sure you explain what other benefits there are from doing it. For example, you could tell them about all of the calories they'll be burning or how much healthier they'll be.

It's not all about physical exercise – mental health is important too

Mental health is often left out of the equation when talking about exercise. But it shouldn't be.

El ejercicio ayuda a estimular su cerebro, lo que a su vez contribuirá a mejorar el bienestar general de su hijo. El mero hecho de estar al aire libre y hacer deporte puede tener un efecto positivo en la salud mental, pero si lo hacen contigo, eso sólo mejora el efecto que tiene en ellos.

Don't force your child into exercise that you think is good for them, instead, look for something they enjoy regardless of if it's beneficial or not. This way they will be more likely to want to participate and continue doing it in the future.

El ajedrez es un juego mentalmente estimulante que también es una gran manera de que los niños se relacionen con sus padres. Requiere que piensen en el futuro y planifiquen varios pasos.

While chess is a great game, it's important that you don't show any signs of frustration or disappointment if your child loses because this can cause them to give up on it sooner. Their mental health is just as important as their physical health and we should always try to find activities that they enjoy doing.

Los sudokus o los crucigramas también son juegos estupendos a los que tu hijo puede jugar contigo. Ambos requieren mucho pensamiento crítico y destreza mental, lo que es tan importante como el ejercicio físico.

So don't forget to stimulate your little one's brain frequently with some fun activities. It's going to be a lot more fun for you and your child if they enjoy doing it.

La importancia de dar un buen ejemplo a tus hijos a la hora de ser activos

If you want your child to be physically active, then it's important that they see their parents practicing what they preach. “Lead by example” is the name of the game.

Your kids are going to look up to you and will try and emulate some of the activities that you do in your free time. This is not only with physical exercise either. They'll also talk about how you prioritize spending time with them, the types of movies you enjoy watching, places you like to visit together, etc.

They'll want to be involved in whatever it is that you are doing whether they have a genuine interest or not. For example, if their favorite cartoon character likes to go on adventures and visits new places every episode, then they might start asking if they can go on adventures too.

Now, this is where the problem lies. Most children don't care about going on a boat to Hawaii just because their favorite cartoon character takes their friends there every week. As a parent, your job is to help them realize that it may not be possible for them to go on an adventure with their best friend and their favorite cartoon characters.

Instead, they can go on a bike ride with you in the park. This way they get to see and experience something new while also spending quality time with their loved ones. You're showing them that there are other ways to have fun and be active together that don't involve an expensive vacation.

It's all about getting creative and doing things that the entire family can benefit from.

Conclusiones y 45 ideas increíbles para realizar actividades con tus hijos

- Los niños aprenden con el ejemplo.

– Exercising with your child is probably the best way to get them (and you) moving! It's not about one person forcing the other but rather doing something together.

Ideas de actividades para todas las edades:

1. Ir a comprar al mercado de agricultores local o a la feria de artesanos

2. Ir de excursión por el bosque o el parque

3. Play any of your child's favorite sports with them (for example, if they like to play soccer it can be bonding time for parent and child while also getting some physical exercise)

4. Visit the local science center or children's museum

5. If your child likes to dance, then go dancing together! It doesn't matter if it's at a club or they're going hard in the paint in their doorway!

6. Bicycle riding through your neighborhood always is a good idea. If the weather isn't the greatest, hit up an indoor park or area with lots of kids and bikes around them.

7. Si a su hijo le gustan los coches y las carreras, llévelo a un circuito de carreras donde pueda conducir algunos karts eléctricos o coches en miniatura por las pistas.

8. Dibujad juntos con tiza o pintura. Incluso podéis hacer vuestra propia carrera de obstáculos para que los dos corráis por ella.

9. Haz un picnic junto al lago o en el parque. ¡Lleva algunas cometas y juguetes para mantenerlos ocupados mientras preparas la comida para todos!

10. Haced un libro juntos sobre lo que quieran: puede ser algo de ficción, de no ficción o incluso sus películas favoritas. Sólo tienes que hacerles fotos con diferentes disfraces o escenarios que se te ocurran al pensar en ello.

11. Si a tu hijo le gusta jugar, puede que también les guste ir juntos a los recreativos y jugar a algún juego.

12. Play a board game as a family – it doesn't matter what kind as long as you're having fun together!

13. Asiste a los festivales locales o a los eventos que se celebren en tu ciudad: suelen tener comida, música y artesanía local que puedes pasar un rato mirando.

14. Organiza una búsqueda del tesoro haciendo una lista de cosas para ir a recoger juntos en el barrio o en los parques cercanos. Hazlo más interesante poniendo precios a los objetos para que quien gane se encargue de las tareas que todos tenéis que llevar a cabo.

15. If you're feeling super adventurous, then take a road trip to a nearby town and spend the day there! Check out the local attractions and food stands that pop up for tourists. It's a great way to get out of your comfort zone and spend some time together as well!

16. Play video games online with them – it's a great way to bond and see what kind of games they're into! It lets you get inside their mind and see how they think.

17. If your child doesn't like playing outside, then encourage them to do it by promising to buy them something that's only available at the park down the street or through an outdoor market in the next town over.

18. Go to your local gym or YMCA and sign up for an exercise class together! It's a great way to motivate them even more since they'll be spending time with their favorite person in the world – you!

19. Incorpórele también algunas ideas propias que vayan en consonancia con lo que le gusta. Si a tu hijo le gusta la astronomía, salid a observar las estrellas por la noche. Si le gustan los bichos, ¡vaya a un safari de bichos!

20. Do some gardening or landscaping with them – it'll be like reliving your childhood days of playing in the dirt and getting fresh air all around you. It's one of the most wonderful feelings in the world!

21. Go to a local amusement park and ride all of their favorite rides together – it's a great way to spend some family bonding time with them and make memories that you'll cherish forever.

22. ¡Organiza una épica pelea de almohadas en tu salón con todas las almohadas a tu alrededor! ¡Haz que todos traigan almohadas de sus habitaciones y luchen hasta el fin de los tiempos!

23. Spend up all of your allowance on candies or ice cream together – it's a great way to eat all the foods you love while clicking away at each other with silly string without feeling one bit guilty about it!

24. Go camping in the wilderness somewhere by yourselves and spend time together living in the wild. It's an adventure that everyone needs to experience for themselves!

25. Take your child out to go shopping for some new clothes at their favorite store – it's a great way to get them excited about something other than video games or TV shows and give them a chance to treat you at the same time.

26. Get a Wii or Xbox and have a fun day of playing some video games together – just be sure to balance out the time you spend on each so your child doesn't get too addicted, but rather enjoys their experience with you!

27. Si su hijo es mayor, ¿por qué no le lleva a ver a su grupo o músico favorito en directo y asisten juntos a un concierto o espectáculo?

28. Create a photo album of all your favorite memories together – it's always nice to look back on old times and remember the good moments you had with each other!

29. Organiza un partido de baloncesto, fútbol, béisbol o cualquier otra cosa que les guste jugar. Conviértelo en un evento semanal que les haga ilusión.

30. Go on a road trip in the car to somewhere nearby that they've always wanted to see, but never have! It's just another way for you both to bond through experiences and memories you'll cherish forever.

31. Acampad juntos una noche en el bosque. Pasad la noche contando historias y asando malvaviscos alrededor de una hoguera.

32. Take them out to their favorite restaurant for a fun foodie experience together! It's a great way to bond over a delicious meal that will bring back memories of old times you both shared together.

33. Build something together – it can be as big or small as you'd like! Start off with something simple, but work your way up to bigger things!

34. Take them on a trip somewhere – whether it's abroad or somewhere nearby for the weekend, it's always nice to get away from everything and bond with each other in a new environment.

35. Go out for ice cream together – it's always nice to chill out and enjoy the summertime warmth while getting to gaze into each other's eyes.

36. Take them biking in your city – if you're daring enough, then try biking up a hill! Show off your muscles (and sweat) for them XD

37. Teach them how to cook their favorite food and bring it to share with the family – it's a great way to bond and teach them how to be independent in their free time.

38. Take them on a trip this summer when they're out of school! Or simply take an afternoon off work for just the two of you and go out for lunch together when you both get a chance – it's quality time together that both of you will never forget.

39. Go for a fun run or walk in the park – it's a great way to enjoy being outside and get some exercise, which helps them sleep better at night!

40. If you have a younger child, then why not watch a movie with them on your lap and snuggle in the warmth of your couch together? It's a nice way to get back to the innocence of your early years and enjoy each other's company without having to go out or spend money together.

41. If you have extra time on your hands, then why not help them paint their room and create a fun new atmosphere for them? It'll be like starting all over again with the whole world!

42. Si vives cerca del océano, llévales a dar un paseo por la playa para disfrutar del sonido de las olas al chocar contra las rocas y sentir su frescura en las piernas mientras os adentráis juntos en un nuevo territorio.

43. Go to a local haunted house or corn maze this Halloween – it's an experience that you both can laugh about together in years to come and a fun way to get excited for the spooky season!

44. If you have a younger child, then take them outside to play with their favorite toy or watch them interact with nature – it's amazing to see how free they are when being themselves in the moment rather than watching TV all the time.

45. If they love going to baseball games, then why not go with them and enjoy a beer as you cheer on the team together? It's an experience that will always bring back memories no matter how old you both get!

Independientemente de la etapa en la que se encuentre tu hijo, hay muchas ideas para ayudarle a participar físicamente. Esperamos que hayas encontrado algunos consejos nuevos que te sirvan a ti y a tus hijos; si no es así, ¡compártelos en los comentarios más abajo!

Le deseamos lo mejor para vivir estos momentos con sus hijos.

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