
Waldorf vs Montessori Education Explained

waldorf vs montessori education

In our quest to provide the best educational exposure for our children, two philosophies often emerge at the forefront of discussion – Waldorf and Montessori. Though they may appear similar in their departure from traditional education, they are distinct in their approach to teaching and learning.  Waldorf education is a developmental approach that integrates intellectual, […]

The Wonders of Playtime: How Children Explore the World and Learn Through Games

what children learn through play the importance of playtime play styles and how to foster skills

We all know that children love to play. It’s how they explore the world and make experiences. They learn what is acceptable behavior and what isn’t. They learn how to deal with conflicts and how to control their emotions. And ultimately, through play, they learn how wonderful and fun life can be. In this article, […]

Squishy Toys: A Comprehensive Guide

squishy toys guide maintenance fan

You’ve probably seen them all over social media- little, soft, SQUISHY TOYS that people are obsessed with. And you’re probably wondering what all the fuss is about. Why are they so popular? What can you do with them? Well, we’re here to answer all of your questions. Squishies are a type of toy that has […]

Educational Toys: The Key to Healthy Growth & Why You Need Them

educational toys

At a young age, kids are curious about everything. They want to explore, touch every object, smell every scent, and get to know the world to the fullest. They can easily be compared to a blank piece of paper that is yet to become a masterpiece. Kids are extremely interested in the surrounding environment and […]

The Top 11 Baby Wooden Toys for 2019 Reviewed

the best wooden toys review

Wooden toys have some magic in them. They are perfect for the little hands of infants and toddlers and bring a unique feel when touched. In addition to that, they are sturdy, durable, and provoke the imagination of your kids while helping them to discover the world.  We all know that toys help our kids’ […]

Top 11 Educational Toys for 2019 Reviewed

the top 11 educational toys of 2019 reviewed

Children learn from the very first day they are born. They learn from the surrounding environment, from their parents, friends, and siblings. But there is one more very important factor that facilitates their development – games and toys. We are aware that toys are positive for the kids’ development both for their cognitive, emotional, and […]

9 Educational Toys for Curious Children and Why They are Important

educational toys for kids and their importance

Children learn how to develop their skills from a very early age through playing. Hence, it is quite important that they have the right toys that help them discover and polish a variety of abilities that are crucial for their life. Educational toys evoke curiosity in children and make them explore while learning. It is […]

How to Find the Right Educational Toy for your Child

buy educational toys for your kids

If your kids are like mine, they pretty much want everything they see advertised on television. Barbie house? Want it. Flubber? Need it. Singing troll? Got to have it. You, though, aren’t an ATM. There’s only so much money and you want to make sure you choose the right toys. Toys that will educate your […]

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