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  • 25 maneras fáciles de hacer que tus hijos se sientan como una superestrella en su cumpleaños

25 maneras fáciles de hacer que tus hijos se sientan como una superestrella en su cumpleaños

fiesta de cumpleaños consejo para los regalos de los niños

It's not just adults who love birthdays. Kids are the most excited to celebrate their special day, and they're often more than willing to go all out in order to make it a memorable occasion. From telling you what kind of cake they want (or even making one themselves!) to picking out the perfect outfit and decorations for their party, kids can't wait for that big day when everyone will be paying attention only to them. It's no wonder that birthdays carry so much weight with children – after all, it's really hard for them grow up feeling like anything but a star on this very special day!

The truth is that you don't have to do too much at all in order to make your child feel like he or she really is a superstar on his or her birthday. In fact, here are some easy ways for you to make your child feel like the most special person in the world.

Consejo #1 - Abrazar el tema

Do your best to embrace the theme. One of the biggest arguments that you and your child will have on his or her birthday is likely going to be about the party's theme. No matter what type of party it is, whether it's a superhero party for boys or a princesses' tea party for girls, your little one will probably have a theme in mind.

Consejo #2 - Sírveles su desayuno favorito

One of the best ways to make a child feel like a king or queen is to serve their favorite breakfast on their birthday. If you have a little girl, then you might be in for an argument about what to cook her – whether it's pancakes and waffles, or something else entirely. What matters is that you are willing to cook the food your child loves most.

Consejo #3 - Deja que elijan la decoración y los detalles de la fiesta

Giving them the freedom to pick out decorations and party favors will let your kids feel like they have a creative input on their birthday, leaving them feeling much more involved in what's going on. After all, it's their special day, and they should be able to express themselves however they want.

Consejo #4 - Regalarles algo especial

Independientemente del tipo de fiesta que vayas a organizar -una fiesta de cumpleaños sorpresa o una que llevan meses planeando-, es probable que tu hijo quiera recibir un regalo por su día especial. Asegúrate de preguntarle de antemano qué le gustaría recibir.

Consejo #5 - Deje que decidan su atuendo

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There is nothing that your child will love more than being able to pick out his or her own birthday outfit. Whether it's a superhero costume for boys or a pretty princess dress for girls, getting to pick their own outfits will make them feel like they have a real say in their day – and any kid will love that!

Consejo #6 - Deja que ellos también decidan el menú.

While it's important to consider your child's allergies when you're cooking his or her birthday meal, it is also a great idea to let them decide what they want to have for their special day. After all, if they are the guests of honor, then they should get to decide how the party is going to be run.

Consejo #7 - Deja que ellos decidan los juegos de la fiesta

From musical chairs to pin the tail on the donkey, there are tons of party games that you can play at your child's birthday. Leave it up to the kids to decide which game they would like to play. Even if you have a specific type of game in mind, it will be fun for you to see what they come up with on their own.

Consejo #8 - Comience el día con una sorpresa matutina

You can use the morning of their birthday to get your child up with a special surprise. Whether it's bringing in the mail and having it be full of party invitations, a giant gift that they weren't expecting or simply waking them up along with a few friends, there are so many ways for you to make him or her feel extra special before the day even starts.

Consejo #9 - Deja que elijan un libro de cuentos para su cumpleaños

Once upon a time, every kid's favorite part of the birthday celebration was when their parents would read them a special storybook. Nowadays, with busy schedules and all of the other things that come along with raising children, it might be easy to forget about that special birthday tradition. Don't let the birthday storybook be forgotten!

Consejo #10 - Prepáreles su cena favorita

Kids love to eat their favorite meals, and that's a fact. You can make your child feel like he or she is a celebrity for sure by cooking up something tasty on his or her special day, such as spaghetti and meatballs or grilled cheese sandwiches.

Consejo #11 - Haga una fiesta de cumpleaños sorpresa en su casa

Surprise birthday parties are the bomb, and they're also pretty simple to plan. Whether it's a few of their friends coming over with cupcakes or a bunch of them all gathered together at your house on his or her special day, throwing an impromptu party is not as difficult as you might imagine. Just be sure to alert the parents of the other children that it will be happening so they can prepare their kids beforehand.

Consejo #12 - Llévelos a comer a su restaurante favorito

It doesn't matter if your child is a picky eater or not, as everyone has his or her own favorite restaurant. Taking your kid out to eat at a restaurant of his or her choice is a great way to let them feel like a star on their special day.

Consejo #13 - Llévelos a su tienda favorita

Si a tu hijo le encanta ir a la juguetería, no dudes en llevarle allí y dejarle elegir algo. Aunque tus hijos hayan crecido, les encantará ir contigo a la tienda que elijan en su cumpleaños.

Consejo #14 - Que tengan un "Día del Sí"

On their birthday, you can let your child have a “yes-day,” where they get to do or be anything that they want. You don't have to give in to every single request that they make, but it is important for kids to feel free and unrestrained on their special day.

Consejo #15 - Deja que elijan una película de cumpleaños

If you're worried about what movie to put on for the birthday party at your home, just let your child decide! Surprise him or her with a movie that they have been wanting to see for a while but haven't gotten around to watching yet.

Consejo #16 - Deja que elijan la tarta de cumpleaños

When it comes time to choose a birthday cake, let your child make the decision. Whether you're planning to buy a premade one or making it from scratch, get your little one involved in the process so that he or she can have some say and feel like he has some of the power.

Consejo #17 - Deja que elijan los regalos de la fiesta

Kids love to have party favors, so you can let them take care of their own birthday party favors. You might find that they wait until the last minute and don't plan ahead about what they're going to give out as favors, but just know that even at the last second, it will be something that lies within their price range.

Consejo #18 - Compre a su hijo un libro sobre su tema favorito

Puede que tú no sepas mucho sobre un determinado tema, pero tu hijo probablemente sí. Si quieres regalarle algo especial en su cumpleaños que demuestre lo mucho que te importa y lo mucho que le quieres, comprarle un libro sobre su tema favorito es la mejor manera de hacerlo.

Consejo #19 - Llévelos al parque o al cine

If you're in a hurry, and there are tons of errands that need to be run on their birthday, don't worry. Just take them out to the park or to see a movie instead. Chances are they will feel like a star just hanging out with you on their special day.

Consejo #20 - Haz que el niño que cumple años participe en la entrega de regalos

A la mayoría de los niños les entusiasma ayudar a elegir un regalo para alguien. Cuando el niño que cumple años participa en la elección de un regalo para una organización benéfica, le hace sentir que tiene algún tipo de poder... y por tanto, sentirse como lo haría cualquier estrella.

Consejo #21 - Deja que elijan su propio tema para la fiesta

Themes seem to be the present-day theme of birthday parties, but that doesn't mean you always have to go with a specific theme. Giving your child free rein and letting them choose what the party will look like is one of the best ways to ensure that their special day goes off without a hitch.

Consejo #22 - Deja que te ayuden a hacer la decoración de la fiesta

Si quieres, el niño que cumple años también puede ayudar a hacer la decoración de la fiesta. Tanto si hacen la decoración con papel como si utilizan objetos de la casa, dejarles hacer manualidades es una forma estupenda de asegurarse de que se sientan especiales en su gran día.

Consejo #23 - Hornea sus galletas o magdalenas favoritas

Las galletas y magdalenas caseras son siempre un éxito, especialmente en el cumpleaños de tu hijo. Deja que elija su dulce favorito y asegúrate de que lo horneas tú. Tu hijo estará encantado de ayudarte en la cocina y de comer su creación.

Consejo #24 - Llévelos a un lugar especial que les guste a ambos

Kids love to feel connected and a part of things, so you can take them to a special place that is meaningful for the both of you. Whether it's your favorite restaurant or an amusement park close by, they will feel happy and like they're at a superstar-like environment.

Consejo #25 - Regálale un collar o una pulsera especial y añádele algo de brillo

Another great way to show your kid how much you love them is by giving them a special piece of jewelry. Whether you buy the necklace or bracelet, it doesn't matter. Giving something that they can wear with pride will make their day extra special and memorable.

If you want to put a smile on your child's face and make their birthday day special, these easy tips will help. From letting them decorate the house to picking out gifts for charity or allowing them to choose what kind of theme they'll have, there are so many ways that you can celebrate with your kids without breaking the bank. If any of these ideas sound like something you would enjoy doing with your children, let us know! We're happy to hear about your experiences and success stories. In the end, we only have a few years with our little ones before they're grown up. Let's make these special days really special memories!

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