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  • How to Potty Train Your Toddler: Find the One Method that Works for You

How to Potty Train Your Toddler: Find the One Method that Works for You

potty training methods and how to find the one that works for your toddler boy or girl

It's likely you have seen some serious changes in your toddler over the past few months. From being an infant, they've now started to walk, and even talk! They're becoming more and more independent every day, which can be a great thing but can also mean having a lot of accidents. This is because your child has yet to learn the skills it takes to stay dry all day and without diapers. That's when it's time for potty training.

Potty training is often a difficult process that can take many different forms, meaning there are many different ways to teach your child the necessary skills- so don't worry if you try something and it doesn't work out quite right. One thing you might want to think about is whether you will choose to potty train your child yourself, or if you will go with a professional such as a parenting coach.

If you want to potty train your toddler on your own, the very first thing that you might want to consider is how fast do you want your child to be trained? If they are still in diapers, the best way for them to learn faster and more effectively is by being potty trained during nap time, so they can focus all of their attention on learning rather than playing or sleeping.

Even though it's tempting, don't start this process when things might get busy around the house- instead try and find several hours where you can sit down and really devote yourself fully to training. Your child is going to be looking at your reactions and cues for what they should do, so try to stay as calm and positive as possible- you want them to learn how to potty train themselves rather than having you do it all for them.

If you're looking for a quicker method of training, there are plenty of books that talk about this process in greater detail. The Potty Boot Camp books are specifically designed for parents, who may feel more comfortable with written instructions. However, anything that is too technical might confuse or scare away your toddler, especially if they aren't quite ready for potty training yet- just take it slowly!

What age should a child be potty trained by?

This largely depends on your child's maturity level. Every child is different, and no one can say for sure when they will be fully trained and out of diapers.

One thing you should keep in mind is that you don't want to rush the process. There are many benefits to potty training later rather than sooner. Potty training takes a lot of time spent with your child, which may mean less time during nap times or before bed at night for yourself. However, if your child goes through the process at an older age then this allows them to learn more quickly without getting overwhelmed by all the new things going on around them. It also serves as a great way to help out younger siblings!

It doesn't matter whether you are potty training a boy or girl, although there is one significant difference- boys tend to be able to go on the toilet by themselves while girls still need help.

Why should your child start potty training?

1. The earlier they learn this skill, the more independent they become. This means that it may be easier to go out and about with them, as you won't need to change them as frequently or keep track of diapers. They also demonstrate their growing maturity when they can show off their newfound skills by being potty trained!

2. Parents are often tired of changing diapers, and are ready for the hassle to end.

3. Children that have been potty trained since a younger age tend to be better at other things in life, such as doing their own laundry or cooking!

4. Potty training is a great chance for you and your child to bond.

5. Potty training offers a great opportunity to spend more time with your baby, while also bonding over this new experience. You can show them how much you love them by helping them through this process!

6. There's no need to worry about sneaky accidents- whenever they have to pee or poop all they'll need to do is tell you so that it can be taken care of properly before it becomes an issue. If they learn from an earlier age then this will help them get better at telling you when something's bothering them and needs attention right away. By having fewer accidents, children feel safer in their own bodies and have better control of all their bodily functions.

This may not be a big deal for you right now, but think about how nice it will be when your child is older and everything comes naturally to them- they'll feel more confident in themselves as well! 

7. Train them at an earlier age and you might get a bit of time off from changing diapers or worrying about accidents! This can free up some of your day so that you can spend some quality time with friends or family members instead.

What are the signs that your toddler is ready to potty train?

There are a few different signs to look out for when your child is ready for potty training. Some of these things may be a bit too advanced, but it's always good to start getting your toddler used to the idea. If you learn how to tell if they're ready before you begin then it can save some time and money.

Here are some signs to watch out for:

  • Babies that are younger than eighteen months often show no interest in using the toilet or even wearing new clothes. This lack of desire shows that they aren't ready yet. As soon as they reach their first birthday, however, and have some understanding of what's going on around them, then it's time to get started on teaching them about potty training. They will naturally start looking at the toilet and discovering what it is for, which can take some time to sink in. The sooner your child is exposed to all of the tools they'll need for potty training the quicker this will go.
  • Parents often think that eighteen months is too young to start, but children are ready much earlier than parents expect. This is especially true if you have a boy who may want to have his diaper taken off and try standing up while on the toilet on their own. A typical example from one of our readers: “Emily began showing interest in using the toilet at 18 months old, so I showed her how it worked. She sat down on it herself and “pooped.” I was thrilled, knowing that this meant she was ready and we could start training.” Listen to your child and decide when the time is right for you.
  • If your baby still wears diapers, this is usually a good sign that they aren't ready yet. You can ask yourself if they've ever tried to take their own diaper off or stand up on the toilet by themselves. If not, then it's likely too early for them to be potty trained just yet. They may also show an interest in other people using the toilet. This often takes place around eighteen months old as well, so take advantage of this chance to start teaching them how things work.
  • Toddlers can understand more about what's going on around them and will be able to communicate their feelings more effectively as well. Take note of their words and actions. If they're using phrases like “pee,” “poo,” or “poop” then this is another sign that they're ready to be potty trained. Since it's just a toddler, you'll need to remain patient because the process may take some time, but it will certainly be worth it in the end.
  • If your toddler has an accident while wearing a diaper, then this is likely a good indication that they aren't ready yet. An accident is something that hasn't been prevented properly and there could still be room for improvement on both ends of the spectrum. If your child uses the toilet frequently but still has accidents in their underwear occasionally, don't worry about it too much since things are bound to be a bit messy at first. Make sure to help them understand how things work and why they're using the toilet, and this will improve their overall ability to use it.

How Long Does Toilet Training Take?

The actual time it takes to potty train your toddler will vary a bit depending on the child. Some children are able to learn all that they need in just over a week while others can take much longer, or potentially never become completely trained. This guide is written to help you find the method that works for you and your child.

Try various methods and see which one works best for your dear child when it comes time for him or her to use the restroom properly, and then stick with it from there so that you don't have any problems along the way.

What methods of potty training do exist?

There are various methods that you can use to potty train your child, and it's up to you to figure out which one works best. Some of these methods include a parent staying with the child at all times, taking them to the restroom every thirty minutes, or rewarding them for going when they're told to.

We recommend using reward based training since it gives the power over their bladder to your toddler in a safe manner. Once this method is mastered they'll be able to communicate whenever they need assistance or feel like something isn't right and will learn how this feels throughout time. This will make using the toilet much easier later on in life once they're older as well.

The three-day method is one example we've heard of that is based on reward and understanding.

What is the 3 day potty training method?

This method is simple, and it gives your toddler the feeling of independence right from the start.

The first day you make sure they're close to their training seat or potty chair such as in a bathroom or within sight. On this first day you simply use any naked time as an opportunity for them to use the potty whenever necessary. It's important that you try not to interrupt anything they may be doing (even if things get messy). Make sure to give them praise each and every time they go on the potty, even if it's just once during a whole day!

Day two includes letting your child run around freely without pants on so that it becomes natural for them. This helps them understand what happens when they have a full bladder and it's their time to go. They'll also know that they can use the potty whenever they want since you mentioned this during day one.

It may take a few accidents here and there, but keep in mind that accidents are going to happen when teaching your child how things work. You should gently help them understand without getting angry or frustrated with them since this isn't something unusual at all as far as toddlers are concerned.

On day three you let your toddler run around freely without any clothes on while also placing the potty chair out of sight so that they have to ask for assistance whenever necessary. This helps them learn about asking for help when things aren't going right in their world (or bladder). Make sure to praise them once again each and every time they go on their own.

This method is one of the quickest, and it can be easily worked into any schedule you may already have in place for your child. This doesn't require a lot of time out of your day, but it can help them master this process quickly so that they feel like they're in control all along the way.

How long should toddler sit on potty when training?

This is something that you'll have to figure out based on your child and their process of training. We suggest at least 30 minutes to an hour a day so they understand all of this information (such as when it's appropriate to go or when they can ask for help). Once they're fully trained this can be reduced to about ten minutes per day, which should be fine at their age.

It may take some time before your toddler understands what's going on in the first place, but once they do things will move along smoothly and there won't be any problems whatsoever. The main thing here is making sure that you don't put too much pressure on them or get angry with them throughout the process since this could make potty training seem like a negative experience for them.

Differences between potty training a boy vs girl?

There are differences between training boys and girls, but the main thing you're going to have to keep in mind is making sure things go smoothly overall. This requires a lot of patience and understanding on your part, but the end result will be well worth it with a child that has fewer accidents than before.

If you're lucky enough to have a boy, try to avoid any pressure that makes them believe they can't use the potty chair like it's something only for girls. Do your best to make sure they feel comfortable with their training seat or chair so that everything feels normal in the end! Keep in mind boys don't take as long to train as girls and will be able to stand up and move around much easier than girls.

If you're training a girl, then you may find that they will require more attention and praise overall. They are often loathe to get their clothes wet during the process of using the potty chair or toilet so you're going to have to make sure things go smoothly from beginning to end. Keep in mind girls do take longer than boys when it comes to this step in their development.

Common Toilet Training Problems

There are a few common problems that people encounter when they're potty training their child. These include allowing them to watch too much television, not having a set schedule with you and your toddler, or not giving them enough attention. These issues can be resolved by communicating with your toddler on a daily basis about what's going on in their life and how things will change from here on out as far as the use of the bathroom is concerned.

The most important thing for all parents to keep in mind is taking the time to understand their child before training begins so that everything feels normal throughout the process. Try to avoid any extra pressure because it could make potty training into something stressful for your child which is never good at all. Once you understand what your child likes to do and their personality, then things will move along a lot smoother.


There are many different approaches to potty training your toddler which is why it can be difficult to know which one is the best option for you and your particular child. Hopefully, this article was able to give you some guidance in that regard so that things go smoothly from here on out!

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