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Paw Patrol : Du point de vue d'un parent

La patrouille des pattes pour les parents : une feuille de triche guide éducatif

My 5-year-old son is obsessed with Paw Patrol. He just can't get enough of the show. I guess we have watched all episodes at least a hundred times, but he still needs his daily fix. He spends all his screen time with the little doggies and when screen time is over – guess what – he loves to play his favorite episodes running through the house. Now, I guess we're not the only ones who have a Paw Patrol junkie at home, so there is definitely something unique about the show that lures kids into their world. But it's not only about our son. We, as parents, live Paw Patrol too. I thought an article about the show from a parent's perspective might be a good thing to dig deep into this foxhole and see what the show does to our little bugs, if there's any educational value and if there are any reasons why you shouldn't let your kids watch this show.

Over the years, a whole world has revolved around the show. Just look around your local grocery store or superstore. You can buy a whole lot of stuff that screams Paw Patrol. School bags, backpacks, shoes with Paw Patrol characters – the list goes on and on. You can buy all kinds of clothing for your kids (T-shirts, socks, hats, etc.) featuring their favorite characters. Toys are covered in Paw Patrol branding too ranging from books to action figures to bikes to playhouses. And if you don't want your kids to miss their favorite show – no problem. You can buy them the DVD of every season. You can stream the show, of course. And lately, they released a movie that drives everyone crazy. And it's well worth watching if you ask me – and my son.

Qu'est-ce que Paw Patrol

Ok, but what is Paw Patrol? Paw Patrol is an animated series created by Keith Chapman, an English television writer and producer who has already built some incredibly successful children's TV shows. Think of Bob the Builder or Roary the Racing Car.

Aux États-Unis, la série a été diffusée pour la première fois sur Nickelodeon en août 2013. Au fil des années, neuf saisons ont été produites, la dernière étant sortie en février 2021. En août 2021, Paw Patrol : The Movie est sorti dans les salles de cinéma et un autre film prévu pour 2023 a déjà été annoncé. De bons moments pour tous les fans.

Qu'est-ce que la Patrouille des papas ?

If you are not familiar with the show, then let me share my son's perspective on it. He sees Paw Patrol as a group of friends who have cool jobs in Adventure Bay. The main characters are Chase, Rubble, Rocky, Marshall, Skye and Zuma plus their fearless leader/mentor – none other than Ryder. All these guys are rescue dogs and they spend their days saving the citizens of Adventure Bay (and beyond). They use all kinds of vehicles to reach people in need.

What kind of vehicles? Well, there are cars, trucks, helicopters, boats, submersibles and planes – not mentioning Ryder's All-Terrain Rescue ATV that transforms into a snowmobile or PWC. And the best part is that they all have their own super abilities and superpowers. Yes, you read right: superpowers! But we'll talk about all the characters, their traits and special abilities later in this article. So keep on reading.

Chaque épisode a un format similaire. Cela permet aux enfants de suivre facilement les schémas et évoque un sentiment de confiance et de sécurité. Normalement, au début des épisodes, les petits chiots font des activités quotidiennes. Ils jouent avec des jouets pour chiens, d'autres chiens sur le terrain de jeu ou dans la rue.

You know what's coming next: something goes terribly wrong and an emergency happens. The pups get a notification from Ryder via their blinking pet tags. Now the action begins and the tension rises in not only our little ones. The pups report to the base and form up in a line for the briefing. Again, through repeated gags around one of the characters always arriving late, the show creates an atmosphere of trust and security to their watchers. Chase announces that the team is ready for action and the puppies ride a slide down to their vehicles. They head out to complete the mission and when they all return, Ryder says his catchphrase: “Whenever you're in trouble, just yelp for help!”.

The parent's perspective

When I first watched the show, I asked myself: “Why does Ryder never go to school?”. And why is he allowed to have so many dogs? And why does he live alone with all of them? Where are his parents? And who allows him to ride all the vehicles at the age of 10? Questions over questions. And I thought that maybe the show isn't that good a role model for my son.

I don't want to question why the dogs have driver's licenses and how they got them. But I wonder why there is no police, no fire station and no waste management in the town of Adventure Bay. Ryder and his crew seem to run the city completely on their own.

What always bothers me is how Ryder can afford his lifestyle. I mean, how can this 10-year-old boy afford to live in a tower with a water view? And if you take a look at the surrounding, there are multiple flat screens, an elevator and the coolest slide I've ever seen. Who the hell is funding his operations? Not even to mention all the vehicles…

The next thing that I wonder about is the way the show portrays adults. Ok, this is a TV show made for little ones, but I am not sure if they present things to them in the right light. Let's just look at Mayor Goodway. She's the Mayor of Adventure Bay and she is always panicking. Mr. Porter is a reckless driver putting the life of his grandson on the line frequently and Captain Turbot, the city's most frequent help-caller, is literally about to wipe out all of the sea life. There doesn't seem to be any competent adult in this city. That way, a child and his pups (dog children) need to take over and rescue the whole city. All the time. I am not sure if that's the right frame our kids should look at the world.

But ok, this is probably just me and I am over-concerned by these topics. Let's face it, it's just a TV show made for kids 8 years and under. And critics are actually great for the show. At the end of the day, the show teaches children how to solve problems, work together on solutions by focusing on each individual's skills and basic important stuff like respect, trust and friendship. And the show really does this well. If my son only gets these things in life right, the show was well worth our time.

L'équipe de base de Paw Patrol - 6 chiots et un garçon

Cette section est votre aide-mémoire lorsque vous avez besoin d'un bref aperçu des personnages de la Patrouille des Pattes. Si vous voulez regarder le film ou une émission avec vos enfants, cette section suffira à impressionner votre petit monstre.

Ryder is a boy with 6 puppies. Together they're called the Paw Patrol. They have a headquarter that desperate people in need can call. Their motto: “No jobs too big, no pups too small!” That's a great phrase you can say to your kids if you assign them a task, like cleaning up their rooms. It can work wonders.


Chase is German Shepherd police and spy dog. For most children, Chase is their favorite. And he's the top dog of the crew. His signature color is blue,obviously, and he has a famous catchphrase: “Chase is on the case!”

Chase's special abilities are his sense of smell and driving. I mean, driving fast.


Skye is the only girl of the bunch. Guess what her color is: Pink, of course. Despite being the only female character and her cute, feminine look, she's a real tough pup. Her special skill is flying, hence her catchphrase: “This pup's gotta fly!”


The firefighter of the team. Marshall's signature color is red and his special skills are extinguishing fire and first aid. The cute Dalmatian is the comedian of the team. Because he's a firefighter his catchphrase is: “I'm fired up!”

A la fin de chaque épisode, Marshall fait rire toute l'équipe. Et attention aux gags de l'ascenseur que les autres adorent faire...


The English bulldog is the construction pup. His color is yellow and he loves to drive a bulldozer. Rubble is the only dog that might be a little bit overweight and he's always craving food. If the crew is stuck in a sticky situation, it's often Rubble who gets them out of trouble with his crane or drill.

Sa phrase d'accroche est : "Des gravats sur le double !"


He's the green dog. Literally. His motto is: “Don't lose it, reuse it!”

Rocky est un homme à tout faire et il est très doué pour réparer les choses. Il est la conscience environnementale de la troupe et enseigne à nos enfants la bonne façon de penser quand il s'agit de recycler des choses.


What element can't Labradors resist? Right, water. Zuma is a water rescue dog and he`s great at swimming and well, water rescue. Therefore his signature color is orange. Zuma is ready whenever water is involved with his hovercraft or submarine. His catchphrase? “Ready, set, get wet!”

Pourquoi Paw Patrol est-il si populaire auprès des enfants ?

La psychologie nous apprend que les enfants sont plus susceptibles de s'identifier à des personnages spécifiques s'ils ont un rôle ou une occupation, ce qui pourrait également être l'un des facteurs expliquant pourquoi les enfants adorent Paw Patrol. L'autre raison principale, à mon avis, est la façon dont ils se concentrent sur un thème éducatif pour les enfants dans chaque épisode. Par exemple, dans un épisode, la Patrouille fait une course contre la montre pour réparer un avion en panne afin qu'un éléphanteau ne rate pas son vol et ne perde pas ses parents à cause d'une tempête. Les enfants apprennent à réparer des objets cassés comme les voitures et les avions, tout en apprenant qu'il y a toujours un moyen de se sortir d'un problème si l'on s'y met.

L'attrait visuel de l'émission permet également aux enfants de s'accrocher et de prêter attention, surtout avec tous ces animaux de dessins animés aux couleurs vives que les enfants aiment tant. Ils ont fait un bon travail en développant des personnages originaux qui se démarquent et se distinguent les uns des autres tout en restant fidèles au cœur de leurs animaux. Il y a quelque chose dans les dessins qui maintient même l'enfant le plus réticent collé à l'écran, et si un enfant parvient à détacher son attention de l'émission à un moment donné, Paw Patrol lui permet de se réengager facilement en ajoutant une séquence d'action excitante ou une blague drôle de temps en temps.

Il y a beaucoup à apprendre de Paw Patrol, et si vous voulez que vos enfants absorbent tout ce que ces six chiots ont à offrir tout en s'amusant en les regardant, je vous suggère de les regarder avec votre enfant pour passer un bon moment en famille.

Paw Patrol est-il approprié pour les enfants ?

Absolutely. I mean, the show he won various TV awards since its first release. Year after year! It can't be bad, right?

Sérieusement, l'émission reçoit constamment de bonnes audiences. Elle a été classée émission de télévision préscolaire la mieux notée en 2013 et a conservé cette position jusqu'en 2017.

Common Sense Media affirme que Paw Patrol est peut-être la meilleure émission pour démontrer la valeur de la résolution de problèmes. L'émission renforce l'estime de soi des jeunes enfants car ils peuvent s'identifier aux personnages. L'émission enseigne le travail d'équipe et l'altruisme, ce qui explique aussi pourquoi les animaux en peluche sont populaires auprès des enfants (ils adorent s'imaginer dans la peau de l'un d'entre eux, puis imaginer ce que ce serait si leurs parents se transformaient soudainement en chiot ou en chaton, etc.)

Paw Patrol enseigne également aux enfants comment interagir avec la technologie, comme les tablettes et les jeux vidéo. Cela peut être particulièrement utile pour les parents qui ont du mal à enseigner à leurs enfants l'étiquette de la technologie moderne.

Paw Patrol is free of bad language, crude humor, violence or sexual references. As far as I have seen it did not have any ‘negative’ content. The show is not too educational either, it's just enough to keep your kid entertained and motivated for learning. I've never seen an episode where the children could not watch together with their parents, and in my opinion, that's a big plus.

Le Top 10 des produits dérivés de Paw Patrol que vous devez connaître

Si votre enfant aime Paw Patrol autant que mon garçon, vous avez probablement besoin de cadeaux de temps en temps. Avec tous les différents produits autour de la série, voici les 10 meilleurs produits Paw Patrol que vous pourriez envisager d'offrir à vos enfants :

Meilleure Vente n° 1
PAW Patrol: The Mighty Movie
  • Amazon Prime Video (Vidéo à la Demande)
  • Dan Duran, Kristen Bell, James Marsden (Acteurs)
  • Cal Brunker (Directeur) - Cal Brunker
  • Anglais(Langue de Lecture)
  • Anglais (Sous-titre)
Meilleure Vente n° 2
La patrouille PAW : Le film
21,457 Reviews
La patrouille PAW : Le film
  • Amazon Prime Video (Vidéo à la Demande)
  • Tyler Perry, Ron Pardo, Will Brisbin (Acteurs)
  • Cal Brunker (Directeur) - Billy Frolick
  • Spanish (Langues de Lecture)
  • Spanish (Sous-titre)
VenteMeilleure Vente n° 3
Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie, Toy Car with Chase Mighty Pups Action Figure, Lights and Sounds, Kids Toys for Boys & Girls 3+
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  • PAW PATROL MOVIE VEHICLE: Designed with authentic details and styling, Chase’s Mighty Movie Cruiser looks just like the exciting PAW Patrol car that...
  • LIGHTS AND SOUND EFFECTS: Activate the synchronized lights and sounds in Chase’s police car toy, by clipping him into the seat of his awesome toy...
  • COLLECT THEM ALL: Expand your collection of PAW Patrol toys for girls and boys with toy trucks, action figures, diecast cars, dinosaur toys, stuffed...
  • EDUCATIONAL & LEARNING TOYS: PAW Patrol preschool toys and toddler toys are great gifts for kids who like pretend play with toy cars, toy figures &...
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Pups Save a Pizza/Pups Save Skye
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  • Jamie Whitney (Directeur) - Kim Duran
  • Anglais(Langue de Lecture)
  • Anglais (Sous-titre)
Meilleure Vente n° 5
GUND Official PAW Patrol Chase in Signature Police Officer Uniform Plush Toy, Stuffed Animal for Ages 1 and Up, 6" (Styles May Vary)
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  • GIFTS FOR KIDS: The GUND PAW Patrol collection from the hit cartoon features all your favorite characters from the courageous crew, making them...
  • QUALITY CUDDLES: Our award-winning stuffed animals and toys appeal to animal lovers everywhere, known for unmatched quality and huggable plush...
  • Covered by the Spin Master Care Commitment; See below for full details
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Paw Patrol, Skye’s Helicopter, Toy Vehicle with Collectible Action Figure, Sustainably Minded Kids Toys for Boys & Girls Ages 3 and Up
168 Reviews
Paw Patrol, Skye’s Helicopter, Toy Vehicle with Collectible Action Figure, Sustainably Minded Kids Toys for Boys & Girls Ages 3 and Up
  • HELICOPTER TOY CAR: Skye’s gotta fly in her Helicopter! With authentic detailing, working wheels for land and spinning propeller for air, this...
  • COLLECTIBLE SKYE FIGURE: This Helicopter includes a collectible Skye toy figure. Wearing her signature flight uniform, Skye is ready to save the day!
  • SUSTAINABLY MINDED TOY: PAW Patrol Skye and her toy car are made from at least 65% recycled plastic. Kids can explore their imagination to create...
  • COLLECT THEM ALL: Expand your collection of PAW Patrol toys for girls and boys with toy trucks, action figures, diecast cars, dinosaur toys, stuffed...
  • EDUCATIONAL & LEARNING TOYS: PAW Patrol preschool toys and toddler toys are great gifts for kids who like pretend play with toy cars, toy figures &...
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Nickelodeon boys Paw Patrol 5 Pack Shorty Casual Sock, Assorted Big Face, Shoe Size 4-8 US
  • OFFICIALLY LICENSED Paw Patrol socks for boys, featuring colorful graphics of Chase, Marshall, Skye, Rubble, and more
  • CREW-LENGTH socks with reinforced toe; made from a polyester/spandex blend for a soft, breathable feel
  • MACHINE WASHABLE design allows for easy care; durable construction provides long-lasting wear
  • PERFECT FOR GIFTS like stocking stuffers, Easter baskets, birthday parties, or everyday wear
  • NON-SLIP GRIP helps socks stay in place; crew length hits just above the ankle
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Paw Patrol, Adventure Bay Bath Playset with Light-up Chase Vehicle, Bath Toy for Kids Aged 3 and up
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  • LIGHT-UP CHASE VEHICLE: This fun bath playset comes with Chase molded into his vehicle! When the vehicle lands in water, it lights up! Rescue...
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  • Includes: 1 PAW Patrol Adventure Bay Bath Playset, 1 Chase Vehicle, 1 Chickaletta Figure, 1 Water Cup, 2 Suction Cups, 1 Instruction Guide
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Paw Patrol Sticker Playset - Over 50 Repositionable Stickers, 2 Play Scenes, Party Activities, Car Activity, Travel Toy for Kids & Toddlers
  • 50+ REPOSITIONABLE PAW PATROL STICKERS: Explore your creativity as you arrange and rearrange over 50 squishy stickers of your favorite characters,...
  • 2 PAWSOME STICKER PLAY SCENES: The tri-fold design of the double-sided play scenes adds a dynamic element to playtime as kids seamlessly switch...
  • TRAVEL-FRIENDLY PAW PATROL TOY: Enjoy the convenience of folding up the play scene for easy storage and reuse all the pieces to ensure the excitement...
  • LEARN THROUGH PLAY: This Paw Patrol Sticker Playset provides a wonderful opportunity for screen-free fun, helping develop essential social and...
  • SET INCLUDES: 1 Sheet of 3D Repositionable Stickers, 1 Tri-Fold Double-Sided Play Scene (23.5 in. x 9.5 in. When Open, 7.83 in. x 9.5 in. When Folded)
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  • MOVIE-THEMED ACCESSORIES: 2 included play pieces add to your storytelling play. Roll Marshall over the City Hall ramp and knock down the flames! Then,...
  • COLLECT THEM ALL: Expand your collection of PAW Patrol toys for girls and boys with toy trucks, action figures, diecast cars, dinosaur toys, stuffed...
  • EDUCATIONAL & LEARNING TOYS: PAW Patrol preschool toys and toddler toys are great gifts for kids who like pretend play with toy cars, toy figures &...

J'espère que vous avez apprécié la lecture de cet article. Vous devriez maintenant être prêts à regarder le film ou n'importe quel épisode avec vos enfants. Je suis heureux d'entendre vos pensées et opinions sur Paw Patrol et comment vous gérez le spectacle dans vos familles. Partagez vos expériences, vos points négatifs et positifs avec notre communauté en commentant ci-dessous. J'apprécie vraiment votre contribution.

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Une réponse

  1. Hola ! La verdad es q yo no me fijo tan especifico en los detalles de la serie, ya q la final es simplemente una caricatura..... En lo q siempre estoy pendiente cuando mis hijos estan viendo dibujos animados o peliculas es en la forma de comportarse y en el dialogo, ya q los ninos son esponjas y todo lo q ven lo aprenden y luego lo repiten. En esta ocasion, durante la pelicula de paw patrol (no la serie) note q la perrita Liberty (la nueva) es un poco grosera. Ej. Durante su primera mision le gritaba de forma poco cortes a los conductores para q se salieron del medio...
    Que paso con el "con permiso", y con el "porfavor".

    Yo se q probablemente estan trtando de llevarla a una personalidad "city like" pero aun asi no me agrado, pq yo quiero q mis hijos sean siempre "kind" cuando tengan q interaccionar con las personas...

    Otra escena q encontre molesta es cuando Liberty va a preguntar a "su amiga" sobre los perros perdidos, esta le pregunta como ella esta y la perrita groseramente le dice "no te go tiempo para chismes"...

    Osea...wow ! Bref... Esa es mi opinion. Espero no molestar a nadie con ella.

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